Sunday, March 30, 2008
1, Expletive communication belonging to us in the car (4-6, 4)
10, Cunning Englishman aids brainchildren (5)
11, Circular bend turned courses (9)
12, Officer sounds like the core (7)
13, Pronoun for a person's pixie (7)
14, Healer to press for final revision (5)
16, Touched on derailed train and passed water around it (9)
19, Wickedly misusing new indication to take away (5, 4)
20, Unite an organization at cancelled listlessness (5)
22, Arguer gingerly disputed without end (7)
25, A joint newspaper brought out occasionally (2, 5)
27, Able to put together cleanable heart transplant (9)
28, Concoct ethanol to hold stable form (5)
29, System of logic with amazingly no bearable goal (7, 7)
2, Burdened deliveries on the militant (9)
3, Control around small glue (5)
4, Cute play I broadcasted among the trees (9)
5, Roots -- shoots -- trunk (5)
6, Nameless entertainer to perform repeat (9)
7, Cell volume suddenly reduced by thousand (5)
8, Confused ward ate, and was made to appear small (7)
9, Deposit commercial funds to screen the show (6)
15, Tiles cave in unexpectedly -- such is life... (4, 2, 3)
17, What does the name Pavlov do to you? (4, 1, 4)
18, Electron in glittering ornament covers small distance (9)
19, Note on dilapidated cabin in the conveyance (7)
21, SI unit for rotation is unmoved (2, 4)
23, Meagre collection included reference to European nation (5)
24, Bird hanging around with the superhero (5)
26, Voter stumbles upon treasure (5)
Saturday, February 23, 2008
1, European known to be free (4)
2, Came scampering to the top (4)
3, Desist full support to precede (8)
4, One art of work each (6)
5, The rural mistake of excretory duct (8)
6, Highly capable persons conceal the outcasts (6)
7, Pacific island capital (8)
8, Be in favour of commercial cave to collapse (8)
9, Frequency measure of the pointless two-wheeler's peer support (6, 3, 6)
10, Article at about playing area (7)
11, Short verse returned in Suzuki ahead of others (5)
12, Vocal vibration is lot more cacophonic (7)
13, Perch on time to cover the distance? (5, 4)
14, Bath taken sub rosa unaware of onlookers here (5)
15A, More lissome provider with no one (7)
15D, Plan put into motion gets a try (8)
16, Incarnation of 27 (8)
17, Hasten higher on the American mountain (8)
18, Rent cute distraction for a vegetable (7)
19, Crime investigator restorative of plates in the crust (9)
20, Valve head replaced to deliver (5)
21, River by ancient city with a pound of the country (5)
22, Hoop into capacity to loaf (6)
23, Part of procedure -- minor relative (9)
24, Weak heart of carefree celebration (6)
25, Common isotope of titanium in unfinished victory (7)
26, Nutritionary eco-community containing spider's meals? (4, 3)
27, Incarnation of 16; sometimes Mexican (4)
28, Heavy mass, big and with energy (4)
29, Metallic one that brings back a dog (6, 9)
Sunday, January 27, 2008
1*, Circumambulate the instrument without stopping (6, 3, 5)
2, ABC's in red must stir (9)
3, Scarlet duo run up dropping ring in lactic gland (5)
4, Seat the presiding officer under a pack of cards. (4, 5)
5, Poles had trouble with workers. (5)
6, Puma to cure the medic inside place of worship (9)
7, Circumnavigate, else scrap (5)
8*, Foolishly peeks with monarch at the custodians (7)
9, Incongruous press! 99 at the bottom. (6)
10, Made afresh, dried afresh. (5)
11, Police officer at prisoner's array of data. (9)
12*, Magnum Erica keeps for dealing with digits (7)
13, Phantasm crept uneasily in the quarter. (7)
14, To fancy nickels and dimes yields the faultfinder (5)
15, Laughing stick going round thundering Thor. (9)
16, They assert terrible fears about business house (9)
17, Mercenary swimmer in the country. (9)
18, They aren't compulsory to pick four points. (9)
19A, Sermon on the princess' part of the meal. (9)
19D, Badly said pledge to deny association. (7)
20, Reportedly escapes the vegetables (5)
21, American coming up on long sleeping position. (6)
22, Apparition finally modifies ranges. (7)
23, English name has purpose, we hear, to get recruited. (5)
24, Comrade stuck in tsunami got suffocated (5)
25, Brighten faint state (5, 2)
26, Turn right to obtain body circumference (5)
27, Vivid red pest's tail eaten by the big cat. (9)
28, Rant about new black bird (5)
29, Bird gone gaga with novelist on silly quest (4, 5, 5)
* clued by NDK
1a, Rowed, thundered, uninitiated (5)
1d, Mate to raise her fraction (5, 4)
2, Grumbling topless novelist (7)
3, Twain arduously wrote a novel here (3)
4a, Whirlpool threat alerts accepted by mother (9)
4d, Runs across beastly fleshes, one hears (5)
5, Urge Easter affair (3)
6, Superior, for one, pursues second slack (5)
7, Poke fun at Nicholas the actor or part of his skeletal system (3, 4)
8, Cripple takes unknown aphorism (5)
9, By what means to arrive at why (3, 4)
10, Dress square casing for automobile transmitters (7)
11, River meandering in her (5)
12, Boil phosphorus with some salts (5)
13, Officer shifted gears (5)
14, Travel for a second time counter (5)
15, A terminally random weapon (3)
16, Short month from gold to pastless gold (3)
17, Easy rupees made by furnishing sweet liquid (5)
18, Alien jumping off space vehicles shakes (5)
19a, Stiff back (5)
19d, Pen atop the metal writing tools (5)
20, Quarter inherited, I had to bargain (9)
21, Assembly since Greek char. regressed (5)
22, Lie about key profession (7)
23, Firm cry missing the Spanish unknown in a modest fashion (5)
24a, Hold up the container (3)
24d, Bootlegs topless citizens who're perfectly normal, acc. to 2. (7)
25a, Discharge vessel, reportedly (3)
25d, Of birds via an adversity (5)
26a, Fire-raising? "Boy belonging to us" (5)
26d, A girl is not proper (5)
27, Jarring nerve at no time (5)
28, Indiana secured metal block... (5)
29, radium I mistakenly freed a metal (7)
30, Siemen, the rising physicist (3)
31, Conveyance ailing a flavour (7)
32, Radical now undergoing heart transplant (3)
33, Physicist rests on joints (they say) with wild swine (we hear) (5, 4)
34, Do not preserve volatile sweat (5)
Saturday, January 26, 2008
1a, Nobleman reportedly changes to the owlish duty hours (5, 6)
1d, Negative puzzle? (7)
2, Population data in pigeonholes without his tomfoolery (4, 4)
3, One with several levels is praised in legend, we hear (8)
4, He plays his tape strikingly new (8)
5a, Device creating or utilising nothing (6)
5d, Defect in using the Levi-Cevita tensor (4)
6, Item corrodes, one hears, yet they invest in them (4, 6)
7, Fantastic figure totally the same however you look at it (5, 6)
8, Stem the pursuit (5)
9, Job without 1a seems to count four digits backwards (4, 2, 4)
10, Beginners restlessly sail in it (8)
11, Evoking laughter to check endless jargon (8)
12, Do not enter public opinion in the forecast (4, 4)
13, Big cat -- lion? Puma? Its head and tail on the way! (7)
14, Immediately let out of opulent assortment (4)
15, Search parameters in terms of solution (8)
16, Delivering cow's last portion of meal (8)
17a, Marines troop up to meet (7)
17d, Drink in vessel to strain retailer's cut (5, 3)
18, Sounds like crooked drink (3)
19, Invoke silent initiative (5)
20, Pen myths about damsels (8)
21, Adverts league dies if fixed up (11)
22a, Erstwhile heavy metal -- no lead (3)
22d, Should not organize hunt to get leader (6'1)
23, Woody log in use pulverized (8)
24, Girl writer effects a strike in tourneys (5, 5)
25, Craftily entrap li'l Albert in the previous generation (8)
26, Make light of a failure to go straight (3)
27, Cushion the core of Apple commercial (3)
28, Bad vital character is against the champ (8)
29, Veteran wearing antique watch (3, 5)
30a, At home, row free from one place in grave (5)
30d, It stubbornly joins the last group (5, 3)
31, Makeup spot aboard ship (8)
32, Batty uncle and soldier engage in our work (7)
33, Piscine feelers stop sound intensity measures (7)
34, Classification ending one unknown mystery (8)
35, A particular technique in pathogen removal (5)
36, The Greek character opened the prize taken here (4)
37, Will maker try a pinnacle? (8)
38, Frank little girl (4)
39, One investigates former dictator and queen (8)
40, Angelic man is turning evil (10)
41, Password to open the seed (6)
42, Argue with games like these, as articulated (5, 6)
1a. He's paid ripe squash to lock the one that owns (12)
1d. A fruit for the novelist (4)
2. City where lip may love romantically (7)
3. Steer under alcohol and brought down to nil (5)
4. Oriental doesn't finish back the festive decoration item
(6, 3)
5. Dominates to dismiss a couple of points (5)
6. Hit a cop -- so become one who doesn't care for norms (9)
7. Bakery in which one can eat, sip and rise to burp (10)
8. African is thus on the island (6)
9. Greek character uses sly tactics (7)
10. Bird not in fashion came back on zero (4, 3)
11. Immaculate son without a vessel (8)
12. Stones in ring hit back (5)
13. Does he place his end on the field? (4-6)
14. Herbivore doing well with a number (5)
15. How big reportedly beneath one tail wagging to incline (9)
16. English statesman possesses one zone on left underscore (9)
17. Reflected, decapitated, embezzled (9)
18. Dull arc light glimmers with electron absorption (9)
19. Tesla about publicity steps (6)
20. Best man exits the inside frontiers of Hawaii island (5)
21. Gives charge, so one is pissed off (7)
22. Radiation that Becquerel emitted disguises the resin (5)
23a. Helping after everything is complete (3-5)
23d. Prefix for English gal on coils (5)
24. Convex molding seen in course on Asimovology (5)
25. Name concealed immediately (4)
26. Maliciously dip dung in food (7)
27. A comic twin also known for 1d 26 (7)
28. Concur with near relation for distant relation (6, 6)
Friday, January 25, 2008
1a. Threaten a vague king famous for 9 (7)
1d. A thousand on the issue of family member (10)
2. First European bloke backs our charm (7)
3. Piece together sect and an ancestor (9)
4. Black-brown greasy lumps of coal provide shelter (6)
5a. British and English engage in liquor (7)
5. Encourage almost dry work setting (8)
6. Shine past to trade, we hear (5)
7. One chosen to be brought up creates fuss over exercise points (7)
8. One hears to avail the sheep (4)
9. Disorder of an important unknown (7)
10. Orbit around on the hurricane (7)
11. PhD holder to confess and drop into water (5)
12. New joint with nude lad would cause ripples (8)
13. Hurry to the room left in the highway-inn! (5, 5)
14. Encroachment surrounded by the way (6)
15. Gloomy return or broad hat (8)
16. Poster? Postern! Second one behind 6, 26, 27, etc. (4, 5)
17. He had dropped oil, milk and lain unconscious (8)
18. Mix the fowl side of a coin (8)
19. Shout over good man: metal substance said to be clear (7)
20. Metal container -- hollow colourless individual (6)
21. Quiver is one real foreigner (7)
22. Terrestrial strips hit and miss somehow lacking direction (6)
23. Is shy lip accidentally the cause of this disease? (8)
24. Please shoo children away from concealed cheap drink (5)
25. Right between soldier and initially heavy stoutness (5)
26. In court of law, orders of jury declare the Judge the sentence-maker (4)
27. Mindset not in watch (7)
28. Sensuous body of water-tight rear in tough situation (3, 4)
29. Toy member of fish reportedly one aquatic species (7)
30. Fashionable and silent sow (7)
Thursday, January 24, 2008
1d. A languid period of a body's physical quantity? (6, 2, 7)
2. Third attempt about near turn (7)
3. Five hundred and ten through frigid mental retardation (6)
4. Inches are marked in unit of mass on this ruler (4)
5. One angling an arboreal carnivore (6)
6. Unfriendly in one microphone conductor (8)
7. Hotter than dry fire-extinguishing aid (7)
8. Lie gold necklace around royal worker in family of hotels (10, 5)
9. More oppressive bulge nearly on one that samples (9)
10. Damage their successor quitting Scot, an alien (7)
11. Eccentric ones are wired so hilariously (7)
12. Very Christian woman with church accepts a subtlety (6)
13. Final propositions at a multi-warfare (8)
14. Hindering item goes round skin growth (9)
15. Gem on two unknowns (4)
16. Following which the tensed fret, we hear (10)
17. 4 5 ______
18. Entryway to our college spurs on (10)
19. One shirks responsibility, reportedly bone of the head cur (7)
20. Capital degree gas (4)
21. Dominion the Arabian chieftain devoured (7)
22. Son should be solicited (6)
23. Congruence of English standard (7)
24. The temple bozo diacritically harboured the constellation map (6)
25. Gamble with a die for a brainchild (4)
26. Bombing north-east tank, I admitted (5, 2)
27. Doctrines follow floor covering article (7)
28. A frustrated clue like this (6)
29. Temple utensil on the wrong order (8)
Friday, August 3, 2007
1A, Mr Fu addressed politely in Hindi in Japan! (4)
1D, Ancestor in favour of the English relation. (10)
2, Japanese leader -- the Oriental goes round most of the British Isles to punch the player. (7)
3, Slides over an exponent detail. (5, 5)
4, Shade of the arbor, pine and apple trees partly develop the plant. (5)
5, Flier observed with keen vision. (5-4)
6, Pail rolled over mouth of hot-water bottle. (5)
7, The devil and the beast! Life's final deadlock! (7)
8, You make the point. (4)
9, Brings back ill memories of horny guy with whitish-yellow fluid dripping back. (5, 2)
10, Man who mailed her hugs Linda as she was slim. (7)
11, Gems studded around lip and eye. (7)
12, She was mother to the French boy arrested. (5)
13, Points South when uncalled for. (8)
14, Of course, near everything signifies... (2, 3, 5)
15, Pain one gets on the skin half by stuffing. (9)
16, The German carries about prime residue. (9)
17, Test patience of the rebel very extremely. (5)
18, Mathematician handles ruler a bit differently at first. (5)
19, Server hasn't begun like everybody. (4, 3)
20, Indecently claimed about soft metal that would heal. (9)
21, Poor Eve ain't having no worldliness. (7)
22, Go via road on wheels to drop one chemist. (7)
23, Talk on the republic. (5)
24, Acid drunk by the girl Ramu eloped with is mirrored here. (5)
25, It scatters initially pinched rubies in stone market. (5)
26, Made a juice swiftly. (4)
27, Last of dynasties kept an account and murdered. (7)
28, Limits to which previous wife with right mate go madly to. (7)
29, Crony in the capital pocketed key to release Mom or Dad, or Elle. (10)
30, God gave back the canal. (4)
Thursday, July 19, 2007
1, Routine in American browser taken by rough dim nod. (5, 8)
2, A measure of fluorine escapes neon gas. (5)
3, Furnish the northern state with sheath for small arms. (9)
4, Alliance of two specialists and one Englishman. (7)
5, Reportedly old trick. (5)
6, Mathematician in Chile tried subtracting Euler's constant in Permutations. (9)
7, Inflammation, fiddlesticks! Be silent now! (6, 5)
8, Many a beginning core of steak and chops fried. (6)
9, Position, say, about ancient city. (7)
10, In the thick of the morning festival... (4)
11, ...visage of Dracula, for instance, on Cannes festival leaving second Orient. (11)
12, He makes, inter alia, 15, to require the French monsieur. (9)
13, Blue metal deposits around a calcium tree. (5)
14, Ran quickly on toes, collided with doc. (7)
15, In elation, we tear our trousers. (9)
16, Troop extremely enthusiastic to the man near the grassfield, one hears. (7)
17, He interacts by polar curve! (9)
18, Dead right: Gore extending to the side. (7)
19, The grub churned out anal gas. (7)
20A, A minister unhinging initial support is a person having nothing to stand on. (7)
20D, Afterthought at foot of metal peaks. (4)
21, Monstress reaches no climax with her monsters. (5)
22, European point accommodates link. (5)
23, Explosion prunes scrambled eggs. (9)
24, Eyeballs among Mexico culinary items? (5)
25, Discourage a semiconductor wash. (7)
26, 24 stirred with a drop of turpentine acid. (6)
27, Tongues speaking incomprehensibilities. (5, 3, 5)
1, Ocean adjoining a state (7)
2, Listening member betwixt two poles comes on (5)
3, The painter normally on canvas captures someone learning the ropes (6)
4, Properties not of first degree quaked alien insertion (14)
5, Choke Xavier, say, until life runs out (6)
6, English girl and king tied by twisted metal wire (8)
7, Day the accountants comprehend the dish (9)
8, Claim the old naughty cat (5)
9, Wealthy frivolous character would stay on top of royal rail-transport and court the saint with hesitation (7, 7)
10A, Fix Saturn pointlessly (5)
10D, Rev up an anarchy new to the riches (7)
11, "Don't google it and you'll be looking for a ____ haystack" (6, 2, 1)
12, Check about aim in the way (9)
13, Aid the good artist on a comeback state (5)
14, Long electronic film (4)
15, It changes colour when decomposition acid metal bobs up (9)
16, As rat scurries in metal bone (10)
17, Animal oil -- spilt over the gas vessel (7)
18, Quiet silence of the fenced woods (8)
19, Dwarfed beneath cry of anguish as heard (10)
20, Burner onerously twice held the burner! (4)
21, Stabbed at the tailless reddish-brown coat (6)
22A, You and I follow the Indian frontier scene of action (5)
22D, Flapping wings doesn't start reclining (5)
23, Very tiresome chat with man that's a big pain! (9)
24, Rowdy Lance declared innocent (5)
25, Break the little record per tin tap (9)
26, They get high in the callous erstwhile republic (5)
27, Collect awful gear around the part run (6)
28, Fake note behind end of steep incline (7)